Difference between Commercial Office Cleaning and Janitorial Services

October 9, 2024

Difference between Commercial Office Cleaning and Janitorial Services in NYC

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Keeping a commercial space clean in a bustling city like NYC is hectic. It attracts vast foot traffic and notorious guests like germs, pollens, molds, soil, etc. Consequently, the office space becomes a breeding hub of germs and diseases.

To combat these issues, most institutions are opting for commercial cleaning services. From essential mopping or dusting services to high-end cleaning features, commercial cleaning is a one-stop cleaning solution for consumers.

If you are new to this world and thinking of booking a service for your office space, you might encounter terms such as commercial office cleaning and janitorial services and get confused about what to choose.

To clear up this confusion, we are elaborating on the difference between janitorial and office cleaning services today. Therefore, read this blog to stay informed and make a wise decision.

Let’s begin the cleaning journey!

What is Commercial Office Cleaning?

It is important to know the definitions before discussing the differences between commercial office cleaning and janitorial services. Let’s start with the commercial cleaning one.

Many people get confused about commercial office cleaning services. Typically, they are a process of cleaning commercial spaces with the latest technologies and top-notch cleaning supplies.

To ensure a hundred percent cleanliness, service companies only appoint well-trained janitors for this.

As NYC is a crowded and growing city, commercial cleaning services often get scheduled monthly or weekly to meet the desired goals. Commercial cleaning includes services for spaces like medical practice cleaning service, retail store cleaning service, hotel cleaning service, school cleaning service, and many more. However, these are the names of the services only. They have loads of subsections under them, such as carpet cleaning, upholstery, kitchen cleaning, toilet cleaning, etc. In short, they take care of every inch of a commercial space.

Advantages of Commercial Office Cleaning:

Commercial cleaning is a big arena with ample benefits, such as reducing health risks (as it removes all germs and debris), providing a clean indoor environment, increasing employee productivity, and so on. Commercial cleaning services are available for almost every kind of space.

Often, people use commercial cleaning and industrial cleaning interchangeably (due to a long list of companies serving commercial spaces). This is not right. Although both are commercial spaces that need cleaning, the advantages are almost the same; industrial spaces need more updated technologies and expert hands.

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of commercial cleaning services:

a. Elevate the Brand Value:

One must have enough professionalism to run an organization successfully and meet revenue goals. Most clients refuse to work with people who lack it.

A clean, tidy, and pristine office space showcases the owner's professionalism. Additionally, it shows their values and respect for their workspace, creating a valuable image of the owner.

Moreover, it showcases that the owner is significantly serious about the employee's health. Consequently, it elevates the brand value overall and pays in the future.

b. Health Benefits:

Commercial cleaning cleans every nook and corner of the office. Be it the lighting fixtures or carpets, lobbies or kitchen tables, windows or toilets, it cleans and disinfects all. Naturally, it reduces the chances of bacterial growth and the spread of diseases.

Also, it reduces dust accumulation and the chances of airborne diseases, such as asthma or other respiratory issues. Thus, it is clear that commercial cleaning has many health benefits.

c. Enhances Employee Productivity:

Commercial office cleaning has a long list of impacts on employee productivity. One of the biggest is reducing absenteeism.

A clean and pristine office environment ensures the good health of the workers. Therefore, it reduces the chances of falling sick and absenteeism. At the same time, commercial office cleaning provides a de-cluttered office and helps the employee access every necessary tool or thing during work. Hence, it reduces operational time and increases productivity.

d. Ensure Adherence to Safety Standards:

Although hygiene and a clean work environment are essential requirements of every employee, the hospitality and medical sectors must follow specific health guidelines. Any mistake can lead to a legal battle and ruin the organization's future.

Commercial cleaning uses updated technologies, such as steam cleaning, AI sensor technology, drones, etc., to ensure a pristine environment and strictly adhere to safety standards.

At the same time, commercial cleaning follows a waste management system, which means they dispose of waste according to the guidelines and focus on recycling properly. This helps an organization run sustainably and ensures 100% legality.

e. Saves Resources:

An organization can save its resources by opting for a commercial cleaning service. For example, commercial cleaners carry their tools and supplies to do the task. However, if you want to do it yourself, you will have to start from scratch, and obviously, it will require a huge investment.

Also, you will require training your staff to do the job while they already have trained people for this. Additionally, despite training your cleaning team to do it, there is a chance that they might make a mistake due to lack of experience and end up damaging the amenities. While commercial cleaning service companies hire only experienced people and usually provide insurance (they pay for the damages during the cleaning process), fewer to no financial risks are involved.

f. Customized Cleaning Plan:

Every space has its unique need. When you appoint a regular janitor, they do basic things like dusting or mopping, which fails to clean the trapped dust particles. One needs dedicated cleaning plans, and only an experienced professional can do this.

Commercial cleaning services provide experienced and skilled professionals. They make customized cleaning plans according to the space's requirements and leave a hundred percent clean office space.

g. Sustainability:

NYC has clear legal instructions for corporations under Chapter 584 of the Laws of 2005. According to this section, organizations must use environmentally sensitive cleaning and maintenance products to ensure the best indoor environment for employees and to reduce their environmental footprint.

When you hire a reputed commercial cleaning service, be assured that they will use environment-friendly products only. Here, one might argue that they can buy those products and instruct their cleaning staff to use them only. Well, it's not that easy because many companies label their products as environment-friendly; however, they are not (it is called greenwashing). Hence, one needs enough knowledge to evaluate every ingredient and its effects. Additionally, it is time-consuming, too. Therefore, one might hire a professional cleaning service for the best results.

h. Flexible Scheduling:

Utilizing an organization's operational hours is crucial. No one wants to waste a single minute of floor time. Regular cleaning service (dusting, vacuuming, or mopping) starts before office hours and doesn't hamper the workflow.

Even if it goes through the working hours, it does not harm the workflow because it doesn't need to replace every furniture or amenities. However, it is essential to vacate the space first to remove all hidden dust or debris for deep cleaning.

To accomplish this task smoothly without hampering work, professional cleaning services provide flexible scheduling (either after working hours or on weekends). This helps the organization maintain a balance between cleanliness and productivity.

Commercial cleaning has many benefits, such as reduced health issues and increased productivity. Additionally, working in a clean office space reduces employees' stress because the last thing they want to see is dust or debris at their workstations. Thus, it contributes to producing a happy and satisfied workforce.

What are Janitorial Services?

Many first-timers get confused between a janitorial service and a commercial cleaning service. Although they both work with the same aim—cleaning the commercial space—things such as the frequency of the service, scope of work, skills of the employees, and the tools to get the job done are pretty different. Thus, both processes have significant differences. However, before diving into deeper differences, let's get into the definition of janitorial services first.

In the dictionary, the term janitor means “cleaner” or “custodian.” Typically, they are the custodians of any organization's cleanliness. They do basic, regular cleaning like dusting, mopping the floors, cleaning and disinfecting the desks, etc. Therefore, the answer to the query 'What are janitorial services?’ is simple: it is the daily cleaning work to keep the office environment clean and breathable.

Additionally, they handle the operations by listing and supplying all the necessary stuff. For example, if it is a hospital, the janitor removes all dirt and cleans the wards and operation theaters. Also, keep a note of all the necessary staff for a smooth workflow.

An efficient janitorial service helps manage daily activities and keeps the workspace orderly.

What do Janitorial Services Include?

To divide work, it is essential to know the responsibilities of a janitorial service.

Typically, janitorial services include dusting, wiping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning restrooms, refilling soap and paper towels, vacuuming carpets, dusting furniture, cleaning windows, toilet cleaning, and emptying trash cans.

Daily janitorial services also take care of daily operational works, such as changing light bulbs, minor repairs, hoarding cleaning supplies, taking care of indoor plants, cleaning or changing desk stuff (laptops, keyboards), etc. Hence, it is like a helping hand to run the operation smoothly.

However, it is essential to note that this work depends on the kind of organization. For example, operational items differ between banks and hospitals.

Advantages of Janitorial Services:

Janitors are the cleaning or housekeeping staff that stay in the office and provide regular cleaning during and after working hours. Therefore, despite heavy foot traffic, the workstation remains clean and breathable.
At the same time, the janitorial service looks after the operational work. The whole flow will be disrupted if an employee fails to get the necessary stuff during working hours. Let's get into the advantages of janitorial services.

a. Maintains the Cleanliness:

According to a study, the average monthly foot traffic in a NYC office is 4,273, and the number is increasing. Well, this is the number of visitors only, after this, there are employees. The number also ensures the amount of germs, soils, and other pollutants they bring. Hence, daily cleaning is mandatory. Any space with this much footprint will become a dustbin without proper cleaning.

b. Built the Foundation of Everlasting Impression:

Although commercial cleaning services are available, one can't have those services daily. Commercial cleaning is ideal for once a week or a month.

However, for the rest of the time, you can't let the dust accumulate on the floor or carpet. If you do so, the rug will emit a foul smell, every place will have dust piles, and eventually, it will ruin your impression.

Just imagine one of the clients comes to the office and encounters a dust pile beside the entrance or reception table. What will they think about you? The client will count you as unprofessional, and there is a chance that they might cancel the deal.

Thus, janitorial services play a pivotal role in making first impressions.

c. Excel the Expertise:

Having a janitorial service at the office ensures a pristine and tidy office and elevates the employees' mental health. Thus, the workers get motivated to work more and produce quality output.

At the same time, it ensures that everyone in the workspace gets every necessary tool and other resources without any disruption. It helps to maintain a flawless workflow, reduces irritation, and contributes to excelling expertise. Remember, even a talented individual can't do their task or meet the deadlines if operational things are absent. Therefore, janitorial service is mandatory for every office space.

d. Reduce the Expenditure:

Again, commercial cleaning services are available; however, no one can hire them for regular chores. Additionally, they will charge more for cleaning if your workstation is too dirty.

Here, janitorial services come as a savior. They take care of the space daily and maintain its tidiness. Thus, once in a while, when you book commercial services to deep clean, they find less dirt and charge less.

Janitorial service is one of an organization's most crucial parts. It helps maintain the space and ensures a smooth workflow.

Difference between Commercial Office Cleaning and Janitorial Services:

There is age-old idiom- cleanliness is next to godliness, and there is no room to deny this. A clean space helps in elevating mental and physical health, increases productivity, boosts motivation, and contributes to maintaining a clean society. Thus, every single corporation pays significant attention to it.

During this time, some firms have used the terms janitorial and commercial cleaning service interchangeably. However, it is not correct. Although the definitions have already been made clear, let's delve into the differences between commercial office cleaning and janitorial services. Let’s start-

a. Type of the Employees:

The type of the employees controls various things, such as expenses and expertise. Although many organizations hire janitorial services from third-party companies, it is uncommon. Most companies keep a janitorial service team inside the organization to ensure a smooth process. Are you surprised by how it impacts you? For example, if you hire a janitorial service, there is a chance that they will come at a specific time to do the task, and for the rest of the day, you will not get any service.

However, if you keep a team, they can mop the floors or clean the toilet every hour.

On the other hand, 99.9% of companies hire a third-party company for commercial cleaning. This helps them get the best professionals, top-notch tools, sustainable cleaning products, and guaranteed satisfaction in one place under an affordable price tag.

b. Frequency of Services:

Most of NYC's offices have high foot traffic, so it is essential to focus on the frequency of service to maintain the space pristine. However, as janitorial service and commercial cleaning are typically different, the frequency must differ.

The janitorial service is a daily maintenance routine. It includes work such as trash removal, restroom cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, and filling the cleaning supplies, and all of these things must be done regularly.

Commercial cleaning involves work like cleaning carpets, washing windows, and sanitizing specific areas that go far beyond daily cleaning. Hence, it should be done weekly or monthly (depending on the space size, daily janitorial cleaning quality, and foot traffic).

c. Scope of Work:

The roles of commercial cleaning services and janitorial services are different, so the scope of work is also different. The critical role of janitorial service is dusting, mopping, etc. Therefore, they use brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners, cleaning cloths, and different or dedicated cleaning agents to do the task.

On the other hand, commercial cleaning is dedicated to deep cleaning, which includes deep cleaning the space. It offers services like Power washing, deep carpet cleaning, high-level dusting, high-rise window washing, air duct, and vent cleaning. For this, they use specified tools, such as commercial carpet cleaners, power washers, and window cleaners. They also use stronger cleaners than regular janitors as these places accumulate more dust.

d. Skills and Tools Required:

No one can ever deliver a task without the right skills and tools. Hence, janitors and professional cleaners also need the right skills and tools to do the job perfectly.

The janitorial service takes care of regular maintenance work, so they need basic safety knowledge. They also require knowledge of how to use cleaning supplies accurately for the best results.

On the tools part, daily janitorial services require and use basic cleaning tools like brooms, mops, vacuums, and dusters.

On the other hand, commercial cleaning is a much more complex job; hence, proper training and high-end technologies are required. Usually, they use tools like high-powered carpet cleaners, power washers, high-rise window cleaning equipment, and industrial-grade cleaning and sanitizing agents. Additionally, many companies are using tools such as AI sensor technology, drones, robots, etc., to perform the task.

How to Choose the Right Cleaning Services for Your Business Needs?

Every organization needs cleaning services, and they require both janitorial services and professional commercial cleaning services. For janitorial services, an in-house team can be maintained; however, for professional commercial cleaning, one must hire an efficient company to get top-notch results.

For this, one must evaluate a company on various parameters to gauge the quality of its service and authenticity. Remember, you can't trust a random company because it requires a huge investment.

Here are some factors you must consider to find an exemplary cleaning service.

a. Pen Down Your Requirements:

Every space has its unique demands, and to get the best results, one must be aware of their needs. Therefore, start the process by writing down the requirements first, such as the size of the space, the amount of furniture, the number of windows, etc. Additionally, set your budget according to that.

b. Search on the Internet and Personally:

After clearing out your demands, it is time to find the right company for your space. You can use your location as the keyword on Google and make a list of companies. Then, you must check whether they have the right services.

Otherwise, you can opt for referrals. It means you can ask your friends about the cleaning companies they trust.

c. Evaluate Reputation:

Trusting a company based on its service range or adverts are not correct. Review its testimonial page and review section to get a real idea about its service quality. Moreover, check its media handles like Facebook, Google, and Instagram to see the consumer reaction. You can ask your industry friends whether they know about the company to get more real-time data. Experts also suggest checking the company's credentials to evaluate its service quality.

d. Check Legalities and Insurance:

Before choosing a company, checking their legalities and insurance is mandatory. To know this, you can ask the customer support executive for their ISO number (if they don't have it on the website). ISO ensures that the company maintains all the legalities and operational transparency.

Moreover, check the website or ask about their insurance policy. It ensures payment if any damage happens during the cleaning.

e. Tools And Employee Skills:

No matter how much a company boasts about its services, meeting those words is impossible without the right tools and skilled employees.

Thus, go through their service pages closely to learn about the technologies they use or how much experience their employees have. You can also directly ask about these.

f. Time to Get a Quote:

Once you finish all the mentioned steps, you have a list of companies that are eligible for hiring. Now it is the time to get the quote. Ask for it and compare between them. Here, it is essential to remember that you must hire a company that asks for a competitive price. Don't go for the companies who ask for a too much lower quote because they are likely to be frauds or provide a poor quality service.

Additionally, during this, ask them about cleaning supplies. Always go for companies that use green products. It might cost you a bit, but these products will pay you in the long term.

Cleanliness is a Way of Living and For a Better Future

Janitorial service and professional commercial cleaning are inevitable for any organization. Never compromise, and always choose the best in the market. They will help you enhance productivity, elevate brand value, boost employee motivation, and contribute to sustainability.

Although most companies maintain an in-house janitorial service team, if you are looking for a company that professionally provides both services, you can always go for Sterling Cleaning Services.

We have been serving this industry in NYC for years now. We are known for having the best tools, efficient employees, customized cleaning plans, environment-friendly products, round-the-clock customer support, a wide range of offerings, and top-notch services. Contact us today to get your quote and book your service.

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Please reach us at any time to set up an appointment to review your commercial cleaning requirements. Sterling will provide an on-site review of your janitorial needs, then create a custom proposal that fits both your specifications and budget


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