Impacts of Commercial Office Cleaning on Employee Productivity

September 11, 2024

Impacts of Commercial Office Cleaning on Employee Productivity in NYC

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Employee productivity is one of the key factors ensuring a business's success rate. Organizations invest in training, allocating the right resources, and performance evaluation. However, an often neglected aspect among the key components is office cleanliness.

Statistics show that cleanliness in the workplace increases productivity significantly. Furthermore, a clean and organized commercial space helps employee retention, raises morale, and demonstrates professionalism.

Keeping a commercial place tidy can be an uphill task for a business owner. Here, the commercial cleaning services work as saviors. They assist and help you meet cleanliness goals. A detailed read provides the best tips for a clean and efficient workspace.

Impacts of Commercial Office Cleaning on Employee Productivity

A study by the University of Arizona noted cleanliness in the workplace enhances 15% of productivity by reducing absenteeism, improving health, reducing stress, and so on.

Keeping the stats in mind, let's delve into how commercial cleaning impacts employee productivity.

1. Improves Office Environment:

Dust and pollutants lead to poor air quality in the office. It can cause various respiratory issues, including asthma. Naturally, health disorders lead to diminished productivity.

Regular cleaning often misses the corners, ceiling, light fixtures, etc. It leads to dust build-up and escalates the condition.

A commercial cleaning service uses updated technologies, such as vacuuming with HEPA filters and many other methods, to ensure a 100% dust-free space. Thus, it enhances the overall environment of the office.

2. Zero Allergens:

A casual day in an office involves 100 files, several meetings, and collaborating with several people. Stacked files lead to dust build-up, while high foot traffic invites pollens, soils, dust, and mites. Consequently, employees are likely to suffer from allergies if workplace cleanliness is not prioritized. This creates discomfort, reducing efficiency and productivity.

Commercial cleaning provides top-to-bottom clean-up services. They care for everything, from carpet cleaning to windows and bathrooms, ensuring an allergen-free environment.

3. Higher Employee Morale and Work Satisfaction:

Opting for a deep cleaning service from a commercial cleaning company makes it easy to maintain a pristine office space. Clean office space, employee satisfaction, and higher productivity are aligned.

In addition, a tidy and organized workplace helps employees stay healthy and fit. It makes them feel valued and happier, improving productivity and output quality.

When an individual feels valued in a workplace, it fuels their morality, and they remain loyal to the organization. This is one of the vital metrics for employee retention.

4. Improves Attention:

A cluttered, smelly, and messy office space reduces employees' focus. Dirt and grime on the desk can make working cumbersome. As an owner, you can't expect your employees to meet the deadlines or produce high-quality work in a below-par environment.

Commercial cleaning services use high-pressure steam technology for bathroom cleaning and take ample time to sanitize and organize the office. It helps focus on work and increases productivity.

5. Reduces Stress:

The last thing your employees want is to see trash, dirt, dust, or soil on the carpet. These are enough to trigger anxiety. Take note - anxiety reduces productivity and output quality.

Thus, regular workplace cleaning and commercial deep cleaning are mandatory. Commercial cleaning enhances productivity and improves the quality of deliverables.

6. Accessibility of the Requirements:

A regular office day entails the pressure of deadlines and meetings. Your employees must have seamless access to the required materials and tools to meet the goals.

If they keep searching for important files or other tools, it will demotivate them and lower the output quality. It will also lead to the waste of crucial business hours, followed by longer operational time.

Commercial cleaning keeps a space organized and manages the daily tasks.

7. Lower Amount of Sick Days:

A dirty office space is a breeding ground for germs and bacteria, which can cause your employees to get sick faster. This reduces the number of working days. Prolonged sickness also reduces the willingness to come to the office and increases absenteeism. Both factors adversely impact the productivity level.

However, keeping an office space clean and tidy in a busy city like NYC is hard. Thus, hiring a commercial cleaning company is best. With expertise and the ideal cleaning tools, they help you meet your cleanliness goals.

8. Visually Appealing Work Space:

Beyond health, a pristine, tidy, and well-organized workspace boosts the positive work culture. Are you wondering how that is possible?

When everyone maintains hygiene and follows the rules and regulations, it promotes a positive work culture. Employees feel equal in the office and are more energetic, which boosts employee productivity. Moreover, employees feel encouraged to follow the guidelines more strictly. Eventually, a balanced floor culture is introduced.

9. Fosters Team Spirit:

Every business owner emphasizes teamwork and collaboration for enhanced productivity and quality. Common spaces like pantries, webinar rooms, or seminar rooms become the spaces for brainstorming sessions, discussions, and collaborative decisions. However, if these places are not pristine, tidy, and organized, it demotivates the employees.

Take an extra step to maintain a meeting room cleaning checklist, commercial deep cleaning, and regular cleaning for elevated team spirit and productivity.

How to Keep Your Office Clean?

A clean and fresh working environment is crucial for employee productivity, high morale, and retention. However, managing a high-foot-traffic office is not easy.

The cleaning staff remains busy most of the time, making hiring a commercial cleaning service daily impossible. So, what is the solution?

Every employee needs to follow some rules and regulations to maintain cleanliness at work.

Here are some tips for a clean and efficient workspace to instruct your employees to follow.

  • Maintaining the Desk:

An unorganized desk is a big turn-off. It leads to dust build-up and clutter. Hence, instruct your employees to keep desks organized. Provide ample organizers, clips, mini shelves, and similar tools.

Ask them not to leave any paper or file on the desk. Provide separate cabinets for files.

  • Identify High Traffic Areas:

Not every area of your office receives the same amount of traffic. Make a cleaning schedule based on high foot traffic and touch traffic for the best cleanliness.

Typically, reception, hallway, door balls, etc., attract the highest traffic and contamination. They contribute to the spreading of germs and flu. So, instruct your cleaning staff to take care of these areas closely.

  • Prohibit Foods in Some Areas:

Leftover foods and crumbs invite thousands of germs. Food spillages on tools or laptops lead to potential risks.

To prevent these instances, allow food consumption in specific areas only. For example, allow food and beverages in the pantry, break rooms, or cafeterias. However, if anyone consumes food at their desks, instruct them to clean it instantly.

  • Sanitize the Equipment:

Laptop or computer screens and keyboards are breeding grounds for germs. People often neglect these areas or leave only after swiping with a clean towel. However, this is not enough. Disinfecting them regularly is crucial. Provide the cleaning staff with an antibacterial screen cleaning wipe, a microfiber cloth, and a disinfectant spray.

  • Ensure the Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaning:

Toilet seats are one the most high-touch areas and breed germs. Hence, cleaning and disinfecting them is mandatory. Ask your staff to clean the bathroom at least once every hour.

On the other hand, the kitchen is another generic bacteria-breeding zone. Employees spend a lot of time here. Instruct your staff to regularly clean gadgets like refrigerator, microwave, etc., and kitchen tables after every use.

  • Introduce 'Self-help' Rules:

Introducing a few 'self-help' rules changes the whole scenario. For instance, ask your employees to wash their dishes. This prevents sink overloading. Likewise, ask your employees to immediately clean up food spills in the microwave or on the table. This helps maintain hygiene easily.

  • Install Trash Bins:

Install ample trash bins in populated and convenient areas. This will help the housekeeping staff gather everything without strays. For instance, dedicate trash bins for every desk, cubicle, and high-traffic areas like reception, hallways, etc.

Also, instruct your cleaning staff to de-clutter bins regularly and use garbage bags to keep the bins tidy.

  • Introduce Cleaning Schedules:

Cleaning stuff has a lot on their plates. Hence, it is vital to introduce a cleaning schedule with a timeframe. For instance, bathrooms must be cleaned every hour and must start before employees enter the office. Introduce checklists for every nook and corner. For example, kitchen gadgets and carpets must be wiped and vacuumed to maintain workflow and hygiene.

  • Stock on Cleaning Materials:

One of the biggest keys to maintaining a pristine office is consistency. As an owner, you must pay attention to it. Store different cleaning agents at the office, such as hand soaps, paper towels, dedicated cleaning solutions, disinfection sprays, etc. For convenience, store these items in a familiar and accessible place.

Hopefully, these tips will help you manage a pristine and tidy office. However, for an optimum cleaning experience, you must go for a commercial cleaning service. They provide professional cleaning services through customized cleaning plans.

We recommend Sterling Cleaning Service. It is one of the leading companies in NYC, with distinct services for varied commercial spaces.

How Can Sterling Cleaning Services Help in Your Office Cleaning?

Each company has its unique requirements. Therefore, customized plans work the best.

However, only a dedicated plan is not enough. Experienced employees, proper equipment, planning, and flexible hours ensure the best results without affecting the workflow.

Here, Sterling Cleaning Service wins the game –

1. Experienced Cleaning Stuff:

Sterling is known for its experienced and trained cleaning staff. They effortlessly handle different commercial spaces, such as schools, retail shops, hospitals, heavy industries, etc. Thus, irrespective of your office type, Sterling Cleaning Service provides top-notch services.

2. Competitive Pricing:

Quality cleaning service is crucial. However, that doesn't mean you have to break your bank. Hence, choosing a service with affordable quotes and quality service is requisite.

If you hire Sterling Cleaning Service, you can be assured of getting the best service in the market at competitive prices.

3. Eco-friendly Products:

Most office spaces and cleaning companies use chemical cleaning agents containing toxins, such as ammonia and sulfuric acid. These agents adversely impact employees.

However, Sterling only uses eco-friendly products to ensure the best for the clients. They incorporate natural agents such as baking soda, vinegar, castile soap, etc.

4. Flexible Working Hours:

A deep cleaning service requires ample time. Janitors also need to de-assemble all the gadgets before starting and organize everything before leaving. In short, it is time-consuming work. Hence, you must schedule it in free or low-traffic hours to protect the workflow.

Sterling provides you with this opportunity. Whether you are an early bird or a mid-night owl, Sterling is always there for you.

5. Customized Cleaning Plans:

Every place has different needs. To get optimum cleaning results, cleaning professionals must create customized plans for each place. However, this cannot be done without profound knowledge. Sterling only hires experienced and trained professionals. Hiring Sterling is worth every penny.

6. Top-notch Customer Support:

How will you feel when you have thousands of questions and one answers them all? You will feel heard, knowledgeable, and ecstatic, right? Moreover, it will help you to invest your money in the ideal place. Sterling understands this. They provide one of the best customer support teams in the market. Be assured of investing in the right place when you collaborate with Sterling.

Boost Employee Productivity with Optimum Cleaning by Sterling Cleaning Service

Cleanliness, health, and the environment are vital in boosting employee productivity, and commercial cleaning helps ace. Commercial cleaning uses updated technologies, eco-friendly cleaning agents, expert employees, and the right plan to do the task.

Consequently, you can have a pristine and tidy office without lifting a finger. Hence, opt for commercial cleaning when you want to boost employee productivity.

Sterling Cleaning Service is the perfect cleaning assistant for the ideal cleaning session in a competitive package!

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Please reach us at any time to set up an appointment to review your commercial cleaning requirements. Sterling will provide an on-site review of your janitorial needs, then create a custom proposal that fits both your specifications and budget


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Phone: 212-803-3328

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