green cleaning in schools and universities

September 20, 2024

Importance of Green Cleaning in Schools and Universities in NYC

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Educational institutes such as schools, colleges, and universities are pillars of any nation's growth. They shape and foster talents and turn them into future leaders. The journey starts with providing the right environment where the students and staff can thrive for academic excellence.

One important parameter of this environment is the cleanliness of the campus. Although most authorities maintain this, they use common cleaning agents. These cleaning agents contain hazardous materials such as lead, bleach, and ammonia, which harm health. Integrating green cleaning products is the only solution to this issue.

Green cleaning agents focus on using eco-friendly cleaning products, equipment, and techniques. This naturally improves overall air quality.

If you own an educational institute, you must have in-depth information regarding green cleaning. In today's informative read, we will delve into the concept of green cleaning and its importance in schools and universities. Moreover, we will provide a guide on choosing the right professional janitorial service for green cleaning to get the best results.

What Is Green Cleaning?

With environmental concerns growing, everyone is focusing on using more sustainable and eco-friendly products. Despite that, many citizens are missing out on a large part—cleaning. Toxic cleaning agents are getting exposed to natural water resources such as rivers and hampering aquatic life. Additionally, they are causing health issues such as eye irritation, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Green cleaning is helping to prevent this.

Green cleaning uses products with zero-to-no minimal environmental footprint and eco-friendly tools to minimize energy consumption.

The green cleaning products meet the stringent standards of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. They do not contain harmful ingredients such as ammonia, phosphates, chlorine, or artificial fragrances. They also use biodegradable or recyclable packaging and organic framing products grown by sustainable methods.

Some green cleaning agents contain natural ingredients, such as baking soda, vinegar, and lemons. However, these products are suitable for home cleaning. They might not be appropriate for commercial and high-footprint areas such as schools and universities.

Along with the right products, experienced janitors are needed for optimum cleaning in commercial spaces. They utilize specific tools and techniques to do the task quickly and accurately. Naturally, more people are focusing on green cleaning in schools and universities.

With this change, more people are becoming curious about the benefits and importance of green cleaning in commercial places.

Importance of Green Cleaning in Schools and Universities in New York:

An average fourth-grade student in the US spends almost 997.8 hours in school per year. The period becomes 720 hours for an 11th-grade student. On the other hand, a university student spends 675 hours/semester in class.

There is no need to mention how much the school and university environment impacts students' bodies and whole upbringing. Moreover, pristine and disinfected desks, bathrooms, and floors help to enhance focus and ensure better education. Let's dive into the importance of green cleaning at schools and universities in NYC.

A. Health Safety:

Traditional cleaning agents contain harsh chemicals and impact a student's health in the long and short term.

For instance, a student touches the freshly cleaned desk and then rubs the eyes. Due to toxic chemicals, the student might end up with a painful burn or even an allergic reaction.

For the long-term reactions, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has noted almost 4.5 million children under the age of 18 have asthma. The polluted school environment can trigger this or can cause this.

Green cleaning in schools and universities can prevent these.

B. Better Focus:

The last thing a student wants to face is a strong smell of cleaners at school or university. Apart from creating health issues, it diverts their concentration from studying to gossiping about the odor.

School and university authorities must opt for green cleaning to curb this issue. It helps provide an odor-free, healthy, and pristine environment, improves focus, and fuels academic excellence.

C. Reduces Dust Particles in the Air:

Professional green cleaning services use HEPA-equipped vacuums to clean the space. This guarantees the reduction of irritants and dust in the air, which reduces airborne diseases and provides a healthy environment.

Well, it is not only about removing dust; the HEPA filters do much more than that. EPA reports have noted that HEPA filters can remove 99.97 percent of dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria. Hence, they provide relief from bacteria-related diseases and ensure a healthy life.

D. No Fear of Contamination:

Food spillage on desks or in the canteen area is normal in schools or universities. If not cleaned properly, it can lead to serious contamination. Green cleaning is inevitable for this. According to the research of the Washington State Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, microfiber cloths (green cleaning supplies) and mops can remove 99.9% of surface bacteria. On the other hand, a traditional mop can only remove 30%.

Moreover, microfiber cloths and mops use much less water than common ones. Cherry, on the other hand, costs less than regular cleaning solutions and consumes less.

E. Sets the Foundation:

We must take more eco-friendly initiatives for a greener and safer planet. Before that, we must educate our future generation to ensure the continuity of our legacy. Introducing green cleaning is one of the best ways to do that.

When the students are introduced to green cleaning and its advantages, they embrace it at home and everywhere. Thus, conducting green cleaning programs in universities and schools is crucial. It will help them to gather the required knowledge firsthand.

F. Lower Absenteeism Rate:

As mentioned above, toxic cleaning agents can lead to various health issues. Besides environmental pollution, doctors have mentioned that viruses can live for more than 72 hours on any hard surface. Eventually, it leads to chronic health issues, increases the number of absentees, and interrupts the educational procedure.

However, regular cleaning with eco-friendly products fosters good student health and fuels academic progress.

Maintaining the right environment at school or university is the utmost important parameter for fostering future talents. According to experts, green cleaning is inevitable for this. It helps to provide a pristine study area without leaving any environmental footprint or impacting students' health.

Green cleaning also helps educational institutes abide by the law. The New York State Green Cleaning Law (Chapter 584 of the Laws of 2005) states that schools and other educational organizations must follow green cleaning practices to ensure a greener and healthier planet.

Challenges in Green Cleaning For Schools and Universities:

The rapid climate change is showing the damage that has been done. Many commercial places, including educational institutes, are opting for green cleaning to address this concern. However, like everything else, it also comes with unique challenges. Understanding these challenges can help to diminish them and pave the way for the future.

A. Higher Cost:

Although traditional, toxic cleaning agents cost our planet and health high, they are cheaper. This is mainly because they are made from cheap pollutants. On the other hand, green cleaning products are made from organic and biodegradable ingredients. These materials are also sustainably grown. Hence, they cost a bit higher.

However, companies and producers are working hard on this. According to experts, with a growing market, there is a chance of reducing the cost price.

B. Time Consumption:

Cleaning with green cleaning products is a time-consuming process. Chemical cleaning agents are strong and can dilute a strong stain in minutes. On the other hand, green cleaning agents are made from natural ingredients such as citrus extract. Therefore, they take a bit longer. Sometimes, they need several attempts to do the job accurately.

However, an experienced janitor can produce the expected results with the right equipment and technique. Many companies have also started working on making green, solid cleaning agents to bridge this gap.

C. Knowledge Constrain:

Green cleaning products are gaining recognition but slowly. Still, many people are not well aware of the damage level of toxic cleaning agents. Besides, many believe that green products are too expensive. However, they don't count the cost that occurs due to environmental pollution.

On the other hand, many get scammed with the label 'green' and end up buying non-biodegradable, toxic products. Hence, proper research before purchasing any cleaning product is crucial.

D. Lack of Availability:

The green cleaning industry is new and expanding its footprint. Hence, the availability of eco-friendly cleaning supplies and equipment has been challenging in some regions until now. At the same time, some zones suffer from monopoly businesses. Thus, users are avoiding green cleaning products and opting for toxic ones.

However, NYC is not one of those regions. Thankfully, NYC also has a sufficient supply of experienced janitors.

E. Requirement of Trained Janitors:

Green cleaning requires a trained janitor to ensure the proper usage of tools and techniques. As the process is quite new, many organizations are still struggling to find the right one or to train properly. Also, training requires additional resources that increase operational costs. To handle this, opt for professional green cleaning service providers.

Professional cleaning service providers have the right training and experience. Thus, they can plan according to your space's needs.

F. Mental Constrain:

Change is inevitable. However, people often resist change as they get used to the continuing process. The same thing is happening with green cleaning.

Many organizations and staff are resisting this change. There is a lack of understanding about its importance and long-term impact. For this, many NGOs (non-profit organizations) and professionals are conducting clean and green programs in schools and universities. The best part is that the situation is changing gradually.

What Should You Look For in a Green Cleaning Company?

An educational institute must set a bar regarding cleanliness and environmental protection. It fosters high morale among the students, makes them aware of sustainable practices, and also helps protect them from any potential health issues. To meet these goals, hiring a professional green cleaning service company is a one-stop solution. However, how do you choose the right one? Unfortunately, the market is full of scammers. Hence, following some tips and tricks to find the best is crucial.

Here is a complete guide for this:

A. Conduct a thorough Research:

Start with in-depth research about the available companies in the market. You can ask for referrals from your friends and acquaintances. However, making a list of the companies and choosing from there is not enough. Researching their background and experience is crucial.

One must prefer companies that have been in the industry for years and have a vital testimonial section. Additionally, look at whether they have won any awards or certifications for their service. These accolades help to evaluate their work standards.

B. Validate the Certificates:

Once background checking is done, it is time to take the game to the next level. At this point, check their certificates, such as ISO 14001. The certificate validates that the company follows sustainability and has enough legality in its operational process.

Two more certificates play a predominant role here- Green Seal and B Corporation certifications. These certificates demonstrate that the company has met the stringent health and safety standards. Moreover, they follow ethical business standards.

C. Compare the Services and Prices:

The above two points help in making a list of available companies. Currently, it is time to compare the services and cost factors. Always choose companies that provide a wide range of services, such as carpet cleaning, window cleaning, or deep cleaning, along with customizable plans. This customizable plan must depend on your schedule and space.

Regarding the cost factor, please note that the green cleaning will cost you a bit higher than the regular one. Still, compare and choose between the available quotes.

D. Evaluate the Products:

Beware of 'greenwashing'. In greenwashing, companies claim to be environment-friendly; however, they aren't. Hence, it is crucial to check the entire product lineup and the ingredient list. Ensure the company uses plant-based, biodegradable, and cruelty-free cleaning solutions.

Also, ensure that the company does not use any fresheners or products with artificial fragrances. These products contain allergens, carcinogens, and toxic chlorine.

Note that almost 90% of green service provider companies do not use fresheners or products with fragrances. Hence, confirming it once is enough.

E. Ask about Waste Management:

The main aim of green cleaning is not all about making your space eco-friendly. The concept starts with making the Earth greener, and waste management is one of the crucial steps towards that. Hence, before booking the service set up a call with the company to know about their waste management.

Waste management revolves around sorting, recycling, and disposal. Most green cleaning companies collaborate with a waste management company to recycle the eligible wastes, landfill, and dispose of the rest according to the rules.

F. Evaluate Customer Support and flexibility:

Good customer support is crucial for great service. It helps you gather all the information and make an informed decision. Additionally, it ensures that you will get expert support if any issue arises during the work process. Hence, one must prefer companies that provide round-the-clock customer support.

Along with that, ensure that they have flexible working hours. You can't hamper study for cleaning. Therefore, the most suitable time is either weekends or after working hours.

Hopefully, these tips will help you find your city's right green cleaning service provider. Remember, every small step counts towards a sustainable future.

Book Green Cleaning Service and Ensure a Greener Earth

By selecting green cleaning, one can ensure the best for their students. Toxic cleaning agents not only cause many health issues but also lead to increasing pollution levels. Moreover, green cleaning will help maintain legalities. Thus, it is the best cleaning solution ever!

Although there are some issues, hopefully, this blog has helped you overcome them all. If you are from NYC, we have the best solution for you. Connect with Sterling Cleaning Services. They have expert janitors and only use eco-friendly products for this. Moreover, they offer customized cleaning services, which makes it more convenient.  Check out the website and book your service now!

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Please reach us at any time to set up an appointment to review your commercial cleaning requirements. Sterling will provide an on-site review of your janitorial needs, then create a custom proposal that fits both your specifications and budget


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